We're dedicated to making YouTube one of the best places for creators and hope these new features help make that possible.YouTube Studio brings “three new metrics,” providing a better understanding of how videos perform, and a new Dashboard showing “personalized news and information” about a channel. The Dashboard will roll out to all channels over the next couple of weeks and we’ll continue to add more content based on your feedback. With this feature, you’ll get the latest updates from across YouTube so you can easily stay up to speed on everything that affects the creator community. News: You shouldn’t have to search for the news it should come to you.In the future we’ll also help you understand why certain videos perform better than others so you can adapt your plans for future videos. Personalized Recommendations: Here we'll surface Creator Academy content based on the specific needs of your channel.Previously, you had to pull this data from multiple sources and calculate it on your own. Video Snapshot: You'll get a snapshot of how your newest video is performing compared to your previous uploads over the same time period.The new dashboard will now provide a snapshot of your latest upload, personalized recommendations, and instant access to news.

Introducing the YouTube Studio Dashboard You’ve asked us for a “one stop shop” for data, insights and news so you don't have to spend time searching for it.
We encourage you to check out our Creator Insider Video, Creator Academy lesson and help center articles for additional tips on how to use these metrics. This information can also help guide your content strategy, and showcase your true reach when discussing brand deals and sponsorships. You can use this data to compare your audience size to your subscriber base, and identify videos that helped reach a wider audience. Whether they watch on desktop, mobile phone or watched more than one of your videos, that person will count as one unique viewer. Unique viewers Unique viewers shows the estimated number of different people who watch your videos over a period of time. For more best practices, we recommend you read this help center article. This metric can help you make more informed decisions on how to optimize your titles and thumbnails, especially when you look at how this metric changes between past videos. For example, effective thumbnails and titles that attract your target audience may drive this rate up. Different factors affect your click-through rate. Impressions click-through rate We’re also adding Impressions click-through rate, which shows you the percentage of your impressions on YouTube that turned into views. This help center article describes in detail what is and isn’t included in the impressions metric. It’s important to note that the impression metric only reflects impressions generated by your thumbnails on YouTube, including thumbnails on the homepage, subscription feed, search, and “up next” section. Impressions tell you the potential reach of your content on YouTube, since each impression is an opportunity to earn a view. Impressions An Impression is counted when a viewer on YouTube sees one of your video thumbnails. A couple of weeks after that they will be available in Creator Studio Classic. These new metrics are rolling out to a small group of creators today and will be available to everyone in YouTube Studio within a few weeks. Moving forward, you’ll see three new metrics in YouTube Analytics – Impressions, Impressions click-through rate, and Unique Viewers – that give a deeper understanding of your reach on YouTube. New ways for creators to understand their reach on YouTube YouTube Studio’s most anticipated features include three new metrics that will give you better understanding of how your videos perform, and an all new Dashboard that shows you personalized news and information for your channel.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll begin to make YouTube Studio the default experience for many creators (but will still give you the option to go back to Creator Studio Classic if you want to). Hundreds of thousands of creators have been using the beta and providing invaluable feedback, which we've been implementing to make YouTube Studio a more efficient, empowering and enjoyable tool for you. In June of last year we announced a new beta version, renamed YouTube Studio. One of the most important tools for creators is the Creator Studio: the hub where you upload videos, manage your channel, and grow your community.